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Frequently Asked Questions

You Ask — We Answer

What should happen at home?

Your therapist will guide you with this one. With most speech and language therapies, there will be some type of activity to complete at home during the week. These may vary from activity sheets pasted into your child’s speech book to specific tasks added into your normal routine or play. It really depends on your child’s diagnosis and the therapy they are receiving. However, we know how busy life can be so we will help you find a way to fit homework into your routine.

What payment method do we accept?

Speech Therapy of Miami offers an easy fee for service rendered payment method. This means that we accept credit card payments and/or Cash. We do not accept any form of insurance nor do we offer Superbills as an option for indirect insurance reimbursement. For Therapy and Evaluation Fees, please contact our main number (305) 873-9589. 

Can I be present during the evaluation and treatment?

Certainly! We know that parents are the ones who typically spend more time with their children, therefore we believe that they should be part of the evaluation as the primary information source and part of the treatment in order to receive home based education.

How many sessions will my child require?

This question is an all-time tough one. It depends on a large amount of variables including; the type of therapy required, the severity of the impairment, the goals, motivation, time spent doing carryover activities, frequency of sessions just to name a few and intrinsic variables of the client. We always do our best to choose goals that achieve maximum effect in the shortest amount of time and are able to do so using research and experience. Check in with your therapist if you are ever unsure or concerned.

What should I bring to my first appointment?

Upon booking, our front desk staff will send you a text message with the required documentation.

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